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About the Librarians

Ms. Summer Rhodes

Ms. Summer's bio is coming soon!

Mr. Chasen Crawford

Mr. Chasen is a familiar face in the GCPS family, but now officially livening up our library for the first year!  Teachers already know that Mr. Chasen is great with technology and jumps in to make everything work smoothly.  Students know, or soon will know, that he is always FUN!  Mr. Chasen is in the perfect spot this year to bring reading and books alive, and every day a library funday! 

Mrs. Dotson

Verley Sue Dotson

Degrees: B.A. English and Social Studies from Pikeville College (UPike-KY)

M. A. English–Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Blacksburg, VA)

Ed. S. Curriculum & Instruction– Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

K-12 Library Media Endorsement

Teacher Support Specialist Endorsement 

The laughter of children is one of the most magical things in the world. Like sleep for Shakespeare, it soothes the mind and knits the raveled sleave of care. Being a part of the process of teaching and learning children and adults is much like watching an imaginary character come to life to perform a lifelong story.  It is a phenomenal event and does not happen overnight. The end result is so worth waiting for! 

Awards: Elected by my peers, I served as president of the Virginia Educational Media Association. As support personnel, I was a project thesis director for educators receiving higher education degrees. I was selected as building level library media specialist of the year. I was also an adjunct professor for various colleges and universities in Southwest Virginia.

Hobby/Fun Fact: I Joined my high school band to avoid physical education in high school! Later in life, I hiked the Grand Canyon’s South Kaibab to Phantom Ranch (down) and Bright Angel (up). I am committed to walking 10,000+ daily, rain or shine! 



Order a Library Book for Check Out!

Use this form to request library books for check out!  Up to five for distance learners and up to two for face to face learners.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Fun storytelling with yoga movements and stretches along the way!  Lots of videos- different time lengths.

Google Quick Draw

See if the computer can guess your drawing!

Storyline Online

Actors read the best stories online!

Online Read Alouds

Collection of over 100 storybooks read online

Stories Aloud, both live and recorded

This is a collection of stories and songs, including podcasts, Facebook live streams, songs, and read alouds.