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GCPS Library Programming

About the Library

GCPS's Library is a learning place where students can be found at all times of the day browsing the stacks, researching, listening to stories, or participating in lessons taught by the librarian and special guests. With a diverse collection, students can choose just the right book for their reading pleasure.  Computer research and catalog browsing look very different now that Greene County is a 1 to 1 Chromebook district.  All of their library search engines and resources are already in the students' hands- but in the GCPS Library, they learn to use these tools intentionally and with purpose.  A wide variety of games, maker space projects, and creativity resources supplement instruction and add to the students’ overall learning experience. 

Our library program focuses on the individuality of our students:  their varied interests, abilities, and desires to know.

The Greene County School System is concerned with generating an understanding of American freedoms through the development of informed and responsible citizens. The American Association of School Librarians and the Greene County School System assert that the responsibility of the library/media program is to preserve intellectual freedom by placing principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of library/media resources.

The principles of intellectual freedom are inherent in the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States and are expressed in the Library Bill of Rights adopted by the American Library Association.

Flexible Scheduling

Students and teachers have access to the library during all school hours. Every class is encouraged to visit the learning commons weekly. In addition, teachers may sign up for their classes to conduct research or for instruction at any time in the week. Library media staff is also available for conferences with teachers to discuss library instruction. Collaborative planning is preferred and recommended so that instruction relates to and supports current topics in the classroom. 

Checkout Schedule

Individual students (or groups of three or less from the same class) are encouraged to come to the library for checkout or for research at any point in the school day that is convenient with the teacher's schedule. Teachers are asked not to send more than three students at-a-time without prior scheduling.

Guidelines for Checkout

Kindergartners are allowed one book at a time. As the year progresses, Kindergarten checkouts may increase to two books per student, at the discretion of the teacher and librarian. Students in grades 1 and 2 are allowed TWO books at a time. Students in grade 3 are allowed THREE books at any one time. Books are checked out for a maximum of two weeks. Students may renew or return books at any time. Students will be charged a replacement fee for lost books.