Meet the Principal
Mrs. Ashlie Miller
Greene County Elementary School
March 2016 - Present
Welcome to Greene County Elementary School! I hope that each one of you had a summer that was filled with great moments and memories. It is a brand new day in Greene County with us having a new school—Greene County Elementary School. Please know that the entire faculty and staff is here to provide extensive support to ensure a smooth transition for children, families, and new staff members. We are going to work hard to develop a new and unique identity to create a unified feeling that makes all feel a part of this learning community.
Our theme will be Super Heroes Soaring for Academic Excellence at Greene County Elementary School where Today's Readers are Tomorrow's Leaders. There will be three areas of focus for this benchmark year: Behavior is a concern that has been brought up in every meeting, so we will address the social and emotional needs of our students. We will implement a curriculum entitled The Voyage. The primary focus is on transforming students’ perspectives of the decisions they make and the actions they take. This will also ensure that we are all on the same page speaking the same language. We will deliver instruction using the methods and strategies from Suzy Pepper Collins, and our instructional focus will be on literacy with an emphasis on integrating content, guided reading, LLI, and Fundations/Wilson, etc. I have no doubt that we will make strides in our literacy foundation and bring students up to grade level. Expectations will remain high for me as the principal of our school, and for every boy, girl, teacher, paraprofessional, and parent in our community.
I am so proud to be the principal of GCES. This begins my 23rd year with our school. I come from a long line of educators, and I believe that educating just runs in our blood. In 1995, I graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education. I accepted a long-term substitute position at Union Point Elementary, which evolved into a full time teaching position. For the next fifteen years, I taught every grade level from second to sixth. I obtained my Master of Arts degree in Teaching from Piedmont College in 2000 and my Specialist in Educational Leadership degree from Lincoln Memorial University in 2009. I was honored to be the Teacher of the Year in 2005. In 2010, I became the Instructional Coach at Union Point Elementary. In 2016, I became interim principal and was appointed as the principal for the 2017-2018 school year. This is literally my dream job.
As a native of Greene County, I do not want to be any other place, and I look forward to continuing to serve the students, staff, and community of Greene County.
Please reach out for help when you need it, and remember as we stretch to reach greater expectations we will feel uncomfortable, and that is okay! In the words of Captain America, “It's tempting to want to live in the past. It's familiar. It's comfortable. But it's where fossils come from." Embrace the possibilities!